Bibilographic Citation: Come and play : children of our world having fun / poems by children. Edited by Ayana Lowe. Pictures from Magnum Photos. London:Bloomsbury. 2008.
ISBN: 978-1-59990-246-3
Review: This beautifully written and colorfully put together poetry book is a great addition to any poetry collection. The editor refers to some of their writing as "word riffs" and poetry. I love how the "authors" sign the inside covers of the book. It gives the book that much more appeal, knowing that the students took that much pride in their book. The students were given a picture of a place and time unknown to them. Their job was to write a poem based upon the expressions of the people in the picture and what could have been happening. In the back of the book is a reference to all the photographs for the book. It tells you about the picture and where it was taken. Most of the poetry is free verse and shows how poetry can be found in all places and in all things.
The Humanoids
Stay in your row.
Stay in your seat.
Do not wiggle or move your feet.
It's not a Disney ride.
But what happens
when you look inside?
Introduction to Share: This poem would be great read-aloud in a monotone, robotic voice. Students would enjoy trying to figure out what the picture would look like if they were given the opportunity to only hear the poem and not see the photograph. Another great activity to do with this book would be to see if students could match the poem with the photograph. What words made you figure out the match? Now that students understand how the authors write the poems, students could be given their own photographs to write a poem about the picture. I believe students would enjoy this activity!
Ayana Lowe here and I am the editor of , "Come and Play." Tank you for writing a very favorable review. I love your idea of matching the words with the photo as a class activity. You are the first person to come up with such an interesting idea. I have received many suggestions from librarians but yours is very clever. I will try your idea next week with my youngsters. For a long time I was stuck as to how I could use the book in a different way. Thanks to you I have something new.